Friday, August 22, 2008

Runaway Metro Bus Strikes Alexandria Apartment Complex--No one injured

Last night, after a metro bus driver asked his passengers to exit his vehicle momentarily while he attempted to fix a broken door, his problem quickly escalated as his empty vehicle which was sitting atop a hill, began rolling away. The runaway bus picked up speed, jumped the median and against traffic crossed busy lanes, finally ending up in the building. Miraculously, no one was injured. The property is owned by Kay Apartment Communities, a client of Virtual Build. Virtual Build has been using BIM to model Kay Apartment's portfolio of properties and was informed of the event immediately.
In a world where unexpected events are commonplace, it is necessary to insure the things that are most valuable. In this situation, BIM is able to step into the negative situation and provide an essential property insurance tool for Kay Apartments. By retaining the model details of the building and its specifications virtually, the company will not face monetary losses associated with the need to re write plans or building component specifications. Instead, through BIM's virtual management system, it will be able to accurately rebuild the damaged apartments using the saved virtual plans. While the accident was an unfortunate occurrence, Kay's wise decision to plan ahead and ensure that valuable property information was efficiently created and stored, saved the company a great deal of potential monetary loss in the end.

For a relevant link to the 11pm news story covering this event click here:

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