Thursday, August 7, 2008

BIM and construction industry coincide once again as REED construction data BIM objects now available on Autodesk

Virtual Build was thrilled to learn just how many aggressive moves Autodesk has made recently to continually position themselves as THE major player in the BIM software market. This arrangement with Reed Data is just the tip of the iceburg for Autodesk to position themselves as the major conduit of manufacturer initiated BIM's.

Standarization. It is BIM's key value added service, and this new marriage between Autodesk and Reed Data will move the industry even further towards a perfect world. A world where there is complete information model standarization, a world where every player is given perfect information, and a world where there is one hundred percent accuracy in project collaborations and during on-site constructions. The recognizable deficiencies in BIM's ability to be a fully collaborative tool are being remedied rapidly, and advancements such as these allow for the most accurate integration possible between building object manufacturers, and architects/engineers/designers in the BIM process.


Anonymous said...

This is a really great website.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, we appreciate the feedback!